Monday, August 27, 2007

Help Wendy Out

Wendy Fuller is looking for a biking buddy. Email her at if you want to start biking with her.


Stacy said...

When can you go? I need to get on my bike more and I hate going alone.

Fuller Family said...

I can go whenever. Mornings before 9am are better for me.My husband doesn't like me to go at night. Let me know what works for you.

Stacy said...

I don't know, it is so hard, I hate to get up early, but I have to get my kids up and off to school and then I still have one that doesn't go to school until 9am. I guess I could put her in the trailer, that might work, then we could go at 8am?

Fuller Family said...

Sounds good to me. I am not much of an early person either so 8am would be great. How many days a week do you want to go?

Stacy said...

Let's start with M W F for now - I'm not sure you'll want me as your partner, something always seems to pop up so I appear flaky on occassion. Let's start Wednesday because of the holiday. I'll ride by and pick you up at 8am

Fuller Family said...

Hey anyone want to try and run with me on Tues. and Thurs. I am just starting out and need someone to run with for motivation.If anyone is intersted let me know. Also, If you want to bike with Stacy and me we go every M W F at 8 am for anyone who wants to join us.

Jamie and Heather Darger said...

WENDY!! I am back stating to get in shape after Wayyyy to long. I will go with you. Call me
or 201-3211

Heather Darger